Been playing Disgaea DS (aka Disgaea:Hour of Darkness) recently on the DS (duh!) I got this game for the Playstation 2 a while ago, but did not get that far as I was overwhelmed by how many things you can do in this strategy RPG. What I played was great though, and as I do with far too many games in my collection, promised myself I would play this game again. Still haven't gotten back to that version....
I liked the game enough that when I heard there was a DS version out that was a port of the PSP version with the new Etna mode, I wanted to get it. I somehow managed to get a copy sans booklet and case at Gamestop (I was lucky to find even that; I don't think I have seen that game used since.) I had the booklet from the PS2 version for reference if I needed it. I figured since I could play the game anywhere, I could get into it more readily.
I'm still ttrying to figure out a lot of Disgaeas' nuances, but damn if it isn't fun:quirky, imaginitive, and often hilarious. The only problem I have is that you can't save mid-battle, only at the castle.(At least as far as I can tell.) Not good for a portable version of the game.
At this point, I'm pretty much grinding a few maps to power up some of my characters, as I was soundly defeated by a mid boss (who is called, appopriatly, Mid Boss.) Plus I need to level up some created characters because as of right now, they fall over in stiff breeze.
Oh, and I do plan to go back to the PS2 version. There is so much to do in the game that I'm sure I would have a totally different experience from the DS version. Now, if I could just find that illusive Disgaea 2....or maybe I'm getting way ahead of myself there.
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