Friday, December 28, 2012

Broken, Beaten, Scarred

     It's not been a very good several weeks. I won't get into the details, all I will say is that very bad things have happened recently. Christmas day was a welcome respite, a very nice respite, but the darkness has fallen again. Speaking of which, it's the time of year where it gets dark at 4 pm. LOVE that.>sarcasm<
      Depression, cold, darkness. It's at times like this that I'm glad I have videogames to play. To be able to be another person, in another world, for a little while. Of course one cannot truly be immersed in video games, to play for long hours at a time and truly lose sense of self. No matter how bad things get, I have to deal with the real world.
     I would like to believe that instead of binge drinking or taking several forms of drugs, my self medication is video games, as it probably is for many others. I fully believe that excessive game playing can be very detrimental, as bad as booze or drugs. If video games take over your life, then you are an addict and need help.
     Immersing yourself in a book or movie is a wonderful way to get away from how truly bad life can be. Videogames are special in that you can be the hero, perhaps even save the world. That can make anyone feel better, at least for little while.
     Plus, headshots can be so cathartic.
    By the way, the title refers to a Metallica song, which I believe is about no matter how much life beats you down, you won't give up without a fight.    

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